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Production planning for Sawmill

Each day you get orders for timber from your customers. And each day you have to decide how to produce it effectively.It is nut just yield of timbe, but also combination of sawlogs to fulfill the order. So, you have to use the smallest possible number of logs in combination with the maximum yield.

And, if you are developer of sawmill line? With this you can easy calculate, for example volume of sawlogs necessary for requested timber volume. Or you can calculate how change input logs volume when you need to increase yearly plan of production. etc.etc. 

Production planning module is exactly helping with this problems. The second module available for CutLog helps you to fulfill order with mentioned criteria.

 The following picture ilustrates basic flows ofprocess:


Result can be of course exported into MS Excel file. Example can be downloaded here.

For explanation. results are shown on next screenshot:


And in addition, preparation of production is fast and intuitive!


since version 3.80 we have support for STOCK = limited resources:


Let say you have stock with certain availability of log volume. Then you need to produce timber in specified size and volume.

CutLog is able to tell you, which sawlogs you have to take and how to saw them to fulfill the customer order with minimum volume of logs and minimum additional timber. This all is counted on limited resources of logs!


This feature is not necessary to be in relation to stock-order, but also can be year delivery of logs -> year production of logs... whatever you can imagine! There is no another software which gives you this possibility. And in fraction of time!


On the following image, you can see relation of CutLog production planning to other functionality and data whithin CutLog

Production planning

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