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Tekl STUDIO ltd.

Tekl STUDIO ltd. is company focused on wood industry software solutions. Company is located in Slovak Republic, hearth of central european region. Company itself was estabilished in 2005  by Dipl. Ing. Peter Turcan.
Peter Turcan is graduated on Technical Univerzity in Zvolen in specialisation "Sawmill production and wood composites". In addition he is working as a professional software developer for 15 years.
It was great challenge to put these things together. So, as the result, CutLog has been made. Peter Turcan is author of software for sawmill industry - CutLog. First version of CutLog was made on 2005.
  Since then, CutLog was improved in many field. Many features were added. Big customers use it (IKEA TORG Russia). It was translated into such languages as Spanish, Russian, French, Dutch and English.
CutLog is also distributed in such countries like Belgium (Rybell Service B.V.B.A.), Finland and Ukraine (Buro-M Ltd.), Turkey. We have also cooperation with such companies like Mavelin/Logosol Belgium.

Each customer of CutLog is very important, because each customer helps improve CutLog and has ideas, how to make his work better. Each suggestion is written and if it is good also implemented into CutLog.

So, CutLog is software from sawmill professionals to you...

We make your work better...

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