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Log sorting lines

Log sorting lines 

Due to improving of CutLog software we are preparing great new feature into next CutLog version.
As optional module to CutLog you can purchase Sorting optimization module since 2010. Now it is time to move forward.
Module is used for proposing of log sorting for your existing (or virtual) sorting lines.
But it is not integrated into optimization functions.
And this will change!

We have implemented new optional module called 'Sorting lines' which replaces and improving 'Sorting optimization' module and will be automatically upgraded for all customers, whose owns 'Sorting optimization' module.

"Sorting lines" optional module

You can now define as many 'Sorting lines' as you need. Of course, you have one physical in facility, but you may need change it's parameters, like sawlog diameters in some/all boxes, or compare some variants and choose the best one. Or you have more sawmills with different sorting policy: 

So in this screen you can define more sorting lines with different sorting boxes. You can define as many lines as you need and as many boxes as you wish.
Then in optimization functions you can see sorting box in particular sorting line, where your calculated optimization belongs: 

And as you can see, after choosing appropriate "Sorting line" you can immediately see, which sorting box you need to use for particular diameter and also for batch calculation you can see relation between diameter and sorting box.
And this is not everything. It is also integrated into Magic chart, within optimizations: 

So you can see graph of yield of timber in each sorting box. It is great, because you can decide, which box you should use for which products.

It is great improvement for helping in decision of log sorting line management. And it will be integrated widely in system.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available only as optional module. if you don't already have "Sorting optimization" module and you are interested to have it, please contact us for price offer 

 Production planning module

 In production planning optional module you can see sorting boxes, where you can take sawlogs for production:

Sorting optimization module 

In sorting optimization module you can save  sorting boxes directly to 'Sorting line' screen, so you can use it later in another functions in CutLog software mentioned earlier:

CutLog v6.51
CutLog v6.50

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